I love your music! It's amazing! If you have a bad day or need to take a break to relax for a bit this is just perfect. You have a beautiful family, too!” - Liz Collin

Liz Collin WCCO TV

Keep up the awesome work, Amy. Both Tim and I really enjoy your music. You no doubt have an amazing gift. Continued success to you, cheers!” - Ryan O'Neil of O'Neil Brothers
I stumbled across your music listening to random foreign classical stations on iTunes. I was completely blown away. Your two CDs are nothing short of a slice of heaven. Very many thanks for bringing them into the world. I hope very much that I shall hear more of you in the future.” - Rob Wills

— Fan

Heard one of your songs streaming on iTunes while getting some things done at 1am or so, and I just had to switch over to see who I was listening to. Absolutely beautiful music -- hope to see more down the road.” - Jonathan

— Fan

I am a new age and neo-classical music publicist and radio promotion person. I really like your music. Good luck in bringing your music to the world.” - Randall Davis

— Publicist